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 For Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Tractors and Trucks:

There are three models available:

  1. Ecotune-Standard:
  2. Ecotune-Pro 2:
  3. Ecotune-Ultimate:

How do the products differ?

Ecotune Standard:

The Standard Chip is the predecessor of the Ecotune Pro. Our basic model comes along with Solid technology and software which achieves up to 25% power increase as well as up to 20% torque increase and a fuel saving up to 1lit /100Km.

Ecotune Pro2:

The Ecotune Pro2 with a more powerful processor, new housing as well as the high-quality FCI plug.

Ecotune Ultimate:

Ecotune Ultimate. Due to the most state-of-the-art parts like the new waterproof FCI plug and the high-end processor you can achieve a better throttle response and performance evolvement.

Performance increase up to 31% and torque increase up to 26%. And a fuel saving up to 1lit /100Km.

Designed for petrol and diesel cars and commercial vehicles, fitting takes minutes

So, how does it work?

The Eco-tune Tuning Modules consists of a CPU module (the computer) and a connection loom which allows the CPU to be plugged in to the vehicle between the ECU and the engine. The CPU is pre-loaded with map data specific to your engines ECU and fuel system. Return feed to the ECU is also altered (to look original) making the whole process invisible to the ECU and so is undetectable by diagnostic equipment.

All units are pre-set for your specific engine but have many variables should you wish to personalize your system with your individual requirements.